My darling 8y daughter EB is in charge of the plants around our front mailbox. (I sooo have a brown thumb - despite my spectacular new veggie garden -ahem- and she is a Master Gardner in training, right GG?). Well this year she planted quite a variety of plants. I would name them if I could but then if I could I would probably not let an 8y plant the most prominent (ie only) flower garden in my yard, right? Anyhoo... half of what she planted is already gone:-( Sniff, Sniff (she has the follow thru of her mom!) But no worries this prolific pink beauty has taken it's place. For weeks we were weeding it out and it kept returning then I had the bright idea to leave it and see if it was a pretty weed -heeheee- perhaps a wildflower? (wishful thinking!) Well ta-da! While we were on vacation it grew like WILD. It literally is spreading like crazy so now we want to know exactly what it is? I emailed a few plant peeps and they have responded with guesses that include Poppy, Ice Plant, Morning Glories but according to Google photos those don't seem spot on so I am going to show you lovely ladies a photo and see who can ID it for us? drop me a comment - if you can ID it, I will mail you a treat for your garden!
Ok Plant Peeps... if you live in my area (Union County) my friend Wendy has a DealiO!
Her hubby is an awesome landscaper and they have some left over plants that are priced TO GO!
this is what is left...
Impatients ($3 per flat)
Geraniums(red and pink, $3 per flat)
Sweet potato vines(oranmental) in light and dark leaves ($3 per flat)
Petunias (wavy and regular, $3 per flat)
Zinna ($3 per flat)
Purple fountain Grass $1 each
If you are interested drop me a comment and I will email you her contact info!
would love Wendy's info and good go out there this afternoon,
I think it is a wild morning glory - very prolific in my area so be careful letting it get out of hand
we have decided you are right it is Morning Glory as it opens and closes.
if anyone wants some come get it - the stuff roots like nobodys business
I got word today - it is OFFICIAL it is Mexican Evening Primrose
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