As you can tell from the lack of posts- things have been BiZe here. School is back in. So far so good. All 3 kids like their teachers (C loves his and we can tell why!) and they seem to holding their own. Cooper has given Mrs Janice a run for her money! (Playing with water in bathroom, telling a child he ruined his day, spilling his lunch everywhere, pinching another child...sigh... I better start saving up for her a nice Christmas present LOL).
I am working M-Th 8:30-2 (my co-worker is a slave driver LOL jk Jennifer). Really work is going pretty good- 4 days is a LOT and I was worried about how behind I would get but lets face it my house is never clean and I am too cheap to give up my frugal ways the only thing suffering is this blog- oops) Plus the kids are precious and they love me. I am their fave teacher ever (right Jennifer? LOL) C has started football (2x week) plus we have Scouts and will be adding in drama and art soon. We had pedi appts and got EBs PsychEd retsults and both C and lilC had/have bday parties to attend and there was a church consignment sale (I got to preshop thanks to Shelia, thanks again! - and I am excited there 2 more this week!) and we had Panthers box tickets (due to sitter issues I skipped it. Mr J. took a coworker to help him hobnob) and of course couponing.
Dang, why am I always behind? You would not believe my couponing mess right now. On the positive side though I went to HT Thrs night (I needed the ad since we do not get the Wed paper. I normally plan/post of my evic but hte 10 boxtops was over my head. I am a visual person). Then I returned Friday morning and did 4 more transactions (w/ Cooper) and on Saturday afternoon I did 2 more. (Planned on more but I did not make it back up there sans-kids). Then today I did 2 more (w/ all 3 kids). My total OOP is now @ $44 for almost $500 in groceries. If I can keep my kidlets out of the pantry (not looking good) we will be stocked for a while and that is not including next week's triple coupons! WooHoo! (I so need to be filing instead of blogging but I am already down from 200 daily readers to 40 so I thought I would check in with you loyal few 1st).
Oh and did I mention I did the Target deal 2x and made $6? I also hit the CVS on Thrs night and Walgreens on Sat. My Wags suggestions are on the comments part of this post. It is not too late for any of those deals but the Robo. so go get yourself so mouthwash and visine! As for CVS I am so hoping they stop their Friday ad "trial" I cant seem to get the ad outlined and to you in a timely manner. I know this week I will buy milk there and use the FL Nabiscio cookie coupons and I will of course do the Excedrin but I cant remember what else. I will try to post this week's deals later tonight.
For those of you not sure what I am talking about grocery wise see my HT post. All 4 of the Catalina deals (GGVeggies, PSPocorn, NVGranolaBars and BCFruitSnacks) stack on top of the $4 off 10. Plus you can get Pillsbury fridge products, OEPaso, BC Baking products (with Lowes coupon) and more. The Catalina and Lowes coupons work in to triples but auto $4 eands on Tuesday. If you do not coupon but want a deal I would opt for 5 GG Veggies and 5 PSPopcorn. You will pay $8.2x+ tax and get $6.50 OYNO not bad for $1.75OOP with NO coupons! Another good deal is if you have the Lowes ad do 6 BC Fruit Chews and 4 BC Brownies or Muffins. You will pay $10ish and get back $3 or $3.50 (my brain is tried). So is you do both for @ $9 you can get 20 items! Not bad for you non-couponers!
Well thats all folks. I gotta go put our roast in and you need to go to the store! (Don't forget your rainchecks!)
For those of you not sure what I am talking about grocery wise see my HT post. All 4 of the Catalina deals (GGVeggies, PSPocorn, NVGranolaBars and BCFruitSnacks) stack on top of the $4 off 10. Plus you can get Pillsbury fridge products, OEPaso, BC Baking products (with Lowes coupon) and more. The Catalina and Lowes coupons work in to triples but auto $4 eands on Tuesday. If you do not coupon but want a deal I would opt for 5 GG Veggies and 5 PSPopcorn. You will pay $8.2x+ tax and get $6.50 OYNO not bad for $1.75OOP with NO coupons! Another good deal is if you have the Lowes ad do 6 BC Fruit Chews and 4 BC Brownies or Muffins. You will pay $10ish and get back $3 or $3.50 (my brain is tried). So is you do both for @ $9 you can get 20 items! Not bad for you non-couponers!
Well thats all folks. I gotta go put our roast in and you need to go to the store! (Don't forget your rainchecks!)
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